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Сообщения за февраль, 2016

Soviet and Modern Russian Diplomacy: Beauty and the Beast

From some point of view, it is interesting to observe modern rise of nationalism in Russia. Many people there identify themselves with the Soviet past: among those people not only those in their 30s-40s, who personally lived during the Soviet rule, but also younger ones, inspired by their parents' and grandparents' nostalgy. However, that current "Soviet" identification is much at odds with the truly Soviet character that passed away 25 years ago. Modern Soviet nostalgy is being raised up by Russian propaganda, which makes accent on former Soviet grandeur. Not in the last place, the antagonism between Soviet Union and the West is underlined. But back in the Soviet times people were not so evil towards the West and towards the United States in particular. Soviet citizens were in most cases ordinary and modest people, more concerned with their lives than with politics. Today, the upsurge of improper Russian nationalism makes that Soviet post-Stalin legacy much more b...